Burek is very similar to gibanica. It is originally the product of Turkish cuisine, but has become one of typical and favorite dishes in Serbia.
Burek je veoma sličan gibanici. Burek je originalni proizvod turske kuhinje, ali je postao jedno od tipičnih i omiljenih srpskih jela.
Gibanica is a traditional pastry dish from Serbia. It is usually made with white cheese and eggs. It is traditionally served for breakfast with kefir or plain yogurt.
Gibanica je tradicionalno jelo od testa. Pravi se od belog sira i jaja. Služi se za doručak uz kefir ili tečni jogurt.
Ćevapi is a grilled dish of minced meat, a type of skinless, sausage, found traditionally in the countries of southeastern Europe, very popular in Serbia. They are usually served of 5-10 pieces on a plate or in a flatbread (lepinje or somun), often with chopped onions, sour cream, kajmak, ajvar, cottage, cheese, minced red pepper and salt.
Ćevapi su jelo od mlevenog mesa, koje se pravi na roštilju – vrsta kobasice. Potiče iz jugoistočne Evrope i veoma je popularno u Srbiji. Obično se služi 5-10 ćevapa na tanjiru ili u lepinji/somunu, sa seckanim lukom, pavlakom, kajmakom, ajvarom, mladim sirom, melevenom paprikom i solju.
Sarma is a dish of grape, cabbage, leaves rolled around a filling usually based on minced meat. It is found in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire from the Middle East to the Balkans and Central Europe.
Sarma je jelo od listova vinove loze ili kupusa, punjenih mlevenim mesom. Poreklo vodi iz Otomanskog carstva, ali je rasprostranjeno kako na Balkanu, tako i u Centralnoj Evropi.
Kajmak is a creamy dairy product similar to clotted cream, made from the milk of cows, sheep, or goats.
Kajmak je kremasti, mlečni proizvod. Pravi se od kravljeg, ovčijeg ili kozijeg mleka.
Ajvar is a spread made principally from red bell peppers, with garlic.
Ajvar je namaz koji se pravi od crvenih paprika i luka.
Šljivovica is a fruit brandy made from plums.
Šljivovica je rakija pravljena od šljiva.
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